Re: Cross reference a sheet and return multiple values based on selection
Give this a try. You'll need to replace the column name with the reference name where applicable. =JOIN(COLLECT(Description:Description, [Result Code]:[Result Code], HAS([Suggested Remedy Code]@row, …1 · -
Re: Formula changes when new form is submitted
You'll need to use a formula to pull in the latest information and reference that formula cell. Insert a new column with the column type Auto number At the bottom of your sheet (assuming you have a t…1 · -
Re: IF Formula with Multiple Criteria
You closed the IF statement and started another. It should be one continuous statement where the only time the false statement doesn't contain an IF is the last one. =IF(AND([Level of Effort]@row = &…1 · -
Re: Check parent task if children tasks have all been checked
Create a column called "Helper Column" that you can hide after putting formula =IF([Task Complete]@row = 1, 1, 0) Convert it to a column formula before hiding it. (Right-click and select &q…1 · -
Re: Can I over ride a column formula for some row?
Add a checkbox column called "Two Years" and change the formula to =[Effective Date]@row + IF([Two Years]@row = 1, 730, 365) Then check the box on any of the documents that are reviewed eve…1 ·